Our story
Drawing on a decade of experience, we consciously build the structure
of Colway International enterprise.
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Drawing on a decade of experience, we consciously build the structure
of Colway International enterprise.
Konferencja Colway International, Warszawa, Hotel Airport Okęcie
Cykl biznesowych spotkań on-line
Zespół Marzeń z Kamilą Rowińską
International Conference of the Colway International, China
Summer Party, Wawrzykowizna
International Conference of the Colway International, Warszawa, 16.03
International Conference of the Colway International, Thailand, 21.09
Summer Party
Colway International Champions,
Dworek nad Pilicą, 31.08 - 1.09
Polish Colway Colway International, Warsaw, 17.03.2018
International Conference of the Colway International, Dubai, 21-27.09.2017
Polish Colway International Conference, Gdynia, March 18th 2017
Polish Conference of the Colway International, Warsaw, Poland, September, 23, 2016
Start of the Wellness Program
by the Colway International
June 5, 2016
Summer Party
Colway International Champions
June 4, 2016
Cosmetic anti-aging revolution:
Collagen Native DNA –
May 2016
Polish Conference of the Colway International, Warsaw, Poland, March 3, 2016
33 QW 770 000 PLN net sales in one week
October 26, 2015
– 10,000 Partners within half a year!
Polish Conference of the Colway International, Warsaw, Poland, October 20, 2015
The huge success of the Welcome program – 21 QW: turnover of more than half a million PLN
International Conference of the Colway International, Fuerteventura, September 2015
Ossa – the first summer picnic hosted under the name Together
Colway International Team: Maurycy Turek, Jaroslaw Zych, Daria Wasiluk, and Adriana Lenartowska, together with the newly appointed President Bernard Jastrzębski established an organisational culture as the basis for business activity. Colway International was officially launched in Gdynia on the 26th April 2015 .
Once again Maurycy Turek enthused his friends with a new vision and together they established Colway International S.A.
Colway Internet television launched.
Colway established a training system and introduced personalised workshops. It gave their partners the opportunity for personal development.
New, revolutionary, quality product - completely natural and unmatched on the market vitamin C was launched.
Colway became an incubator for new biotechnology idea development; they attracted many scientists and enthusiasts of healthier lifestyle.
50 000 Colway network partners.
First milion products sold.
Colway in Italy, Bulgaria, Russia, the USA, Germany, Canada, and Vietnam.
The company offered the first collagen dietary supplements and included skin care products in the offer.
First Colway organisations in the Czech Republic and Ukraina.
The sales and distribution company of Colway, based on a great invention of Polish biochemistry – bioactive collagen, came into existence out of the vision and passion of Maurycy Turek and Jarosław Zych.
Their whole energy is focused on this project. By the end of the year, almost 5,000 people joined the new network marketing.